Leather Rugs


1. Always inspect and pretest. Note all pre-existing damage. Document and photograph
existing conditions.

2. No alkaline solutions should be used. Stay on the acid side.

3. No heat.

4. Check foundation and structure for damage and loose leather.

5. Test for color-fastness (Ink, paint, die, or marker)

6. Work quickly. Wash leather rugs fast and efficiently.


Cleaning procedures:

1. Do not run through strap duster or tumble duster, air dust only. Alternately, beat
with a stick, rug whip on pole, or turn rug upside down and have four people hold one
of each corner and shake.

2. After dusting, apply leather conditioner diluted (50/50) with water and work in if possible.

3. Thoroughly flush with cold, clear water.

4. Apply diluted LST solution over entire rug, if possible and shampoo in with
shampooer, hand brush, Cimex or other method.

5. Flush rinse with cold, clear water.

6. Use a weighted roller to push soil and suds off rug during rinse.

7. (a) Squeegee, role, ring out, extract, or centrifuge to remove excess water.
(b) If using a flatbed washer, place rug on padding before running through flatbed washer or other equipment. Keep pins from damaging the leather.
NO brushes. NO soap. ONLY cold, clean water.

8. Spray diluted leather conditioner (50/50 with water) over entire rug if possible. Place rug on a flexible surface, such as towels or quilt.

9. Roll in conditioner with weighted roller to soften rug.

10. Dry flat with air movers, using no heat.

11. During drying, run a weighted roller over rug to help soften the leather. Reapply diluted leather conditioner if necessary.