How Do I Clean Silk Rugs?
1. Always inspect and pretest. Note all pre-existing damage including:
A. Texture change issues
B. Color migration issues
C. Yarn slippage issues (avoid aggressive over grooming or brushing)
2. Air dusting at high-pressure can carve or streak the pile. Lower the air
pressure of dusting tools.
3. Avoid alkalinity. Do not use high pH. Use only acid pH solutions. The isoionic point for silk
is 4.5 therefore the pH of 4.5 is your goal when cleaning silk.
4. Do not use acid rinses or cleaners that contain phosphoric acid as this
specifically damages silk.
5. Work quickly. Wash silk rugs fast and efficiently.
Wet cleaning procedures:
1. Dust rug, avoiding high pressure when air dusting.
2. Spray the entire rug, including fringes, with Fringe Pretreatment or pre-wet with cold clear
water. If colors are crocking, pre-wet with AntiDye Solution. If colors/dyes are
bleeding, consider dry cleaning instead of wet cleaning.
3. Apply Silk Rug Shampoo solution to the entire rug, including fringes, front and back.
4. Hand shampoo or use rotary, Cimex or other method to work solution into the rug, front
and back.
5. Rinse with cold, clear water or run through flatbed washer or other system.
6. Squeegee, roll, ring out, extract or centrifuge to remove all possible excess water.
7. Groom pile with the primary lay of pile yarns.
8. If needed, lightly apply Silky Soft solution and groom in, going with the primary lay of the
9. If colors/dyes can possibly migrate during drying, flat dry in dry room on cotton towels or
quilts. place upside down, with airflow over the rugs backing. Use heat,
dehumidification or other method to speed dry.
10. After drying, groom again with a silk carding brush. Apply Silky Soft if needed. Groom in
with the primary and secondary lay of the pile. If yarn slippage is an issue, use a hand
wash brush for silk, or other appropriate grooming brush.
Dry cleaning procedures:
1. Dust rug. Avoid high pressure when air dusting.
2. Spray entire rug, including fringes, with Fringe Pretreatment. Allow a 3 to 5 minute dwell
3. Spin Ultra Clean pads over entire rug.
4. Spray entire rug with Dry Side cleaner heavily. Allow a 3 to 5 minute dwell time.
5. Spin Ultra Clean pads over entire rug. Or extract with solvent proof dry cleaning machine. Exhaust the vapors to the outdoors.
6. Flat dry. Absolutely NO heat or open flame, for fire safety reasons.
7. Groom pile with the primary and secondary lay of the pile.
Microscopic photo of natural silk fibers.
Silk Hereke Rug