
  1. Always inspect and pretest. Document and photograph. Note all pre-existing damage.
  2. The sewn-on fringe of some Karastans will shrink, causing the corners to curl. Quote repair cost.
  3. Check the fringe and corners to make sure that they are secure.

Cleaning procedures:

  1. Dust rug.
  2. Spray rug with Fringe Pre Treatment (Sublime) if oily soil is present, or pre-wet with cold clear water.
  3. Apply diluted Wool Rug Shampoo to entire rug, including fringes, front and back.
  4. Work in with shampooer, Cimex or other method, front and back.
  5. Flush rinse rug with cold, clear water, front and back, until rinse water is clear.
  6. (a) Squeegee, role, ring out, extract, or centrifuge to remove excess water.
    (b) If using a flatbed washer or other system run through as normal.
  7. Straighten and comb fringes.
  8. Groom entire rug.
  9. Speed dry.

NOTE: If colors are migrating, add a rinse cycle of Dye Release solution to rinse away color contamination.

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