RinseOut completes cleaning by rinsing away both soils and residues. Carpets end up “squeaky” clean without the soil attracting residues left behind with so many other cleaners. The low pH neutralizes alkalinity and rinses away cleaning residues. Added benefits includes cleaning and deodorizing functions along with stabilizing dyes and brightening colors. Use reduces resoiling rate and inhibits browning, yellowing and color bleeding.
Technically speaking…RinseOut is made with deionized water, penetrating agents, solvents, wetting agents, deodorizers, sulfamic and hydroxyacetic acids to help you finish the job right and prevent many of the cleaning problems which develop during and after the carpet dries.
Available in:
1 gallon $27.95
5 gallon pail $124.95
55 gallon drum $1,237.00